Okay - I know exactly what you're thinking. Rest assured, I have not strayed into any kind of psychoanalytical personal development realm. At least not here in this blog.
My very good friend has had quite the busy summer, filled with lots of traveling to various states for family reunions, weddings, birthdays, graduations, well...you know, family stuff. Big family, big events. And a lot of them. We last got together for a gelato in June. The next time we get together, the calendar will have flipped a couple of pages to September. Until we are able to indulge in sinful desserts and laugh-till-your-belly-aches girls' nights out, she surprises me with various electronic souvenirs from her travels. I just have to share with you her most recent one. Though these pics were shot with just her camera, they are no less impressive.
Can you guess what this is? Here's another close-up....
Reminds me of amoebas or something. Well, here it is in its actual context....
This is the lobby of the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. The glass is an installation done by Dale Chihuly. So I did a Google search and found his
statement about this piece.
"Steve Wynn started talking to me about the ceiling at the Bellagio long before construction even began. He wanted me to make a “spectacular” piece in the lobby of the hotel that would rival the aquarium at the Mirage, and generate more interest. Back in Seattle, we built the entire seventy-by-thirty-foot ceiling, full-scale, at my studio. The commission, as contracted, called for a whole new armature type and about a thousand new “flowers.” Steve visited several times, loved it, and wanted even more glass. Finally FIORI DI COMO was installed with over two thousand handblown glass elements.
— Chihuly"
If you have a few moments, I urge you to visit
Dale Chihuly's site. I guarantee you will get lost in a magical collection of color, form and architecture; each piece drawing you in more and more leaving you with a feeling of wonderment and just plain joy.