Recently, a reader emailed me because she wanted to re-design some rooms in her home. Actually, she termed it as wanting to redecorate them. In fact, based on the info she shared (primarily that she has little, if any, budget for new purchases), a re-design is what she is looking at doing. The difference being is that she wants to use what she has but in a more styled and pulled together way. If she had asked me to help her pick out new furniture, accessories, window treatments, etc., then that would fall under the realm of redecorating. At least, that is how I approach what it is I do with my clients.
Here is a snippet of her S.O.S. :
"............when I look around my house, I just don't know where to start. I have so many
things that I have accumulated over the years and hardly anything goes together but I love it all. How do I make it look less jumbled and more tied together?..."
As evidenced above, often folks just need some guidance to help them to simply get started on their home decorating.Whether they are totally redecorating a space or re-designing it, usually the biggest hurdle is answering the question of "Where do I begin?". A colleague of mine has coined the perfect term. When she consults on such a design situation, she helps the client to "Get unstuck".
What I have found to be the most effective first step is to identify the homeowner's style. Easier said than done, you say? Not always. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to figure out.
I have something of a formula/checklist I use whether I am the one in the client's home doing the assessment or, as in this case, advising a homeowner online how to do it for them self. This checklist is one I discovered years ago. It's been an extremely valuable resource to glean from when figuring out someone's decorating style. I wish I could give credit to whoever wrote it, but back then I didn't think to take note of stuff like that. So, if anyone can claim it as theirs, please step up so I can give credit where credit is due.
1.Multiples. Do you have multiple items of the same color, shape, or style around your house?
This is one big "tell" I look for as I look through clients' home. A persian rug in the front hall, a persian rug in the bedroom, another one in the living room? That means that you like persian rugs! It sounds way too simple to be that easy, but most people stop seeing their style even when it's right in front of them.
3.Where you shop. Do you browse the same store all the time, even when you're not looking to buy? Does a good flea market make your heart pound with excitement? Where you look for your furnishings speaks volumes about your style. New, used, found, handed down from family; where your furniture comes from represents your style!
4.Art. What you have chosen to hang on your walls says something about you. Art is purely personal, not tied to function or need and therefore is usually the best indication of your style. A vintage movie poster means you probably like classic lines in furniture, while an abstract lithograph likely means that modern design rings true for you. Flea market oil painting of someone else's relative? Eclectic is your style.
9.Travel. Where you chose to spend your vacations, and what you bring back with you are great style indicators. Always go to Mexico on your holidays and have a full set of cobalt-blue wine glasses? You like the hacienda look. Love your family vacations at the beach, and have jars of seashells in your bathroom? Coastal cottage is your style.
10.Best room in the house. What's your most fave room in your home? Look to your best design work and repeat it! There is nothing wrong with having all your rooms designed similarly. In fact, it can bring a calm and serene feel to your house.
hover over or right click each image for credits/sources
Excellent post! I love the pictures you picked out! (Especially the Lolcatz!)
Readers Beware!
GUILT sometimes disguises itself as "Form over Function." What is the REAL reason you put up with an uncomfortable sofa? Because it was your dear Grandmothers who put you through college? Not getting enough attention? Try doing all your work at a too-small desk; maybe THEN you'll be recognized for the martyr you are !! very many layers to design....
Really great post - informative and to the point. Well done! Marija
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